Saturday 8 February 2014

Module 1: Activity 1- What is learning?

In this module we looked at what is learning. From my reading, two quotes by Diana Whitmore really caught my attention on learning. The first being : “Learning should be a living process of awakening – a series of creative steps in unfoldment” Here she likens learning to waking up. I take his to mean that for development /learning to take place, one must be alert.

The other where she writes that a belief in the child's natural potential to learn will then require a different role of the educator: “to stimulate and encourage this awesome potential and provide the conditions and resources for its healthy growth and development. This held my attention because as a teacher, I see myself as someone who inspire my students to do great things. I praise them when they show even the slightest evidence of progress and I show them the errors and suggest ways to improve.

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