Saturday 8 March 2014

Module 1: Activity 7 - Collaborative learning

This activity focused on collaborative learning (cooperative learning) - learning which occurs through peers. It is the basis of Vygotsky's theory. A cooperative group refers to a heterogeneous group of learners with varying abilities working together to solve problems and/or to complete a project. Cooperative groups are structured to encourage students to help and support their peers in the group rather than compete with each other. More competent students assist academically slower students.

The following key components of successful group work in the classroom can be identified:
Specific strategies for classroom organization, including how to form and manage groups.
Specific kinds of task structure to maximize each individual’s participation and learning.
A social component that involves the overt teaching of collaborative skills and language.
An emphasis on the value of group-work and oral language in the classroom to foster the development of higher-level thinking skills.
The key elements of cooperative learning

Groups are formed and are made up of diverse learners. These groups may remain together over a period of time to develop a support system, or they may be changed frequently.

Positive interdependence is structured through shared goals and rewards. This means that learners take responsibility for their own learning as well as the learning of other group members. 

Management systems are introduced to increase group learning. Class rules are important in making clear the teacher’s expectations, establish the routines for distribution of materials so that there is little disruption.

The room is arranged to make it possible to have small group activities.

Learners are taught skills necessary to cooperate and to teach one another. This training may include social skills development, for example learning to express approval or compliment, or it may involve other skills such as explaining and discussing.

The structure of each cooperative learning activity is chosen to match the goal of the lesson. Activities may be designed to build teams, exchange information, master content, develop social skills or to use higher level thinking skills.

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