Sunday 2 June 2013

Module 3 Activity 1 reflection on the roles of a teacher

I have surely heard that teachers wear many caps / have many jobs beside that as a teacher. In this activity, I learnt that being a teacher means having all these small, yet important roles to support the one big job we have - educating. Our task was to look at the seven roles of the teacher and contribute to an online collaboration. From the collaboration page and the module reading, I see all these roles in myself as a teacher. I am the educator as a/an:

1. Mediator - when I break down the learning for my students in a way for then to understand.

2. Designer - when I create learning materials to aid my students.

3. Administrator - when I manage my classroom and carry out classroom administrative duties efficiently and participating in school decision- making structures.

4. Scholar - when I take opportunities to develop myself / my learning.

5. Pastoral - when I promote democratic values and practices among my students and providing an empowering and supportive environment for my students.

6. Assessor - when I track and record my students strenghts, weakness, achievements, etc through a variety of evaluation methods.

7. Specialist - when I display sound knowledge on the topic to be taught and deliver it to my students.

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